The Past has passed . . .

Has this ever happened to you? You have an opportunity, maybe in your work life or your business. For some reason unbeknownst to you; you are hesitant but step forward. You take a chance and put yourself out there. You go for it.

To your disappointment, you do not succeed and find yourself in a whirlwind of emotions. Stress, sadness, disappointment, maybe shame, perhaps insecurity with a tinge of anxiety. Maybe a memory from the past comes flooding back at you. Here you are feeling fearful and like most of us beating yourself up for even trying. You may or may not even know really why you are triggered. But you are.

The next time an opportunity comes automatically feel the same wall: The fear, the stress, the doubt. All come pouring back at you in an instant.... here. In this space and time you’ve bumped up against an edge. You’ve reinforced a belief, and the feelings that came with it. From an energy perspective these emotions, feelings and this belief are all swirling around and are now stored in your Akashic record.... aka subconscious. From this experience forward every time you take a risk, something outside of your comfort zone, your subconscious goes to work to protect you by triggering your protective and fear-based response. It also runs the program of your belief. A belief that may say:” I’m not worthy”, “I don’t deserve success”, “success is for bad people”. Whatever it may be, it becomes the repetitive story, a theme or pattern which influences future experiences beyond your conscious awareness.

Some would say mindfulness can break this pattern and it does over time. Catching yourself, pausing and changing those inner statements and thoughts to yourself. Gradually working away at affirmations and allowing the resistance and thought patterns to leave. But by far one of the fastest ways that I have encountered to break and let go of an old story is a journey through the Akashic field. When you are able to access the Akashic records you can locate not only past/present life memories but also the individual beliefs and emotions associated with them that may be blocking you in the present time. You can feel/see the emotions and beliefs from a safe and scared space, allowing them to come up, clearing and releasing them knowing you are now able to create from a clean slate; giving thanks to the experience but freely moving forward!

Since the Akashic records store all of our experiences and choice points, working through this soul level healing is especially powerful for those blocks that are beyond our conscious awareness. Healing by locating and clearing the root cause, is the most profound rewriting of your future. The energy dissipates and there is a new lightness about you. Perhaps even a spring in your step in the knowing: the past has passed.